Eric Erikson FCC Consulting

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Charts in HFM Data Grids

Working with HFM and wanted to do a blog post on charts within data grids. This feature has been out a couple of months and I wanted to show how it works.

First, start with a normal data grid. Over on the display options panel on the right, there is now a chart radio button.

Once the chart is turned on, the chart displays in the window, graphing any data showing in the grid.

The type of chart and the properties can be controlled on the display options panel. Note there are a lot of chart types: some trial and error will be needed to select the appropriate type.

Clicking a bar, line, etc. on the chart will focus on that specific row/column, but drill down is not available by double-clicking the chart like other programs do. For drill downs, click on the legend to the right.

Clicking the legend to do the drill down not only changes what is displayed on the chart but also changes the table display (if showing both the chart and the table).

Overall it looks good and works well. But there is still is no printing - still need to do screen shots!