FCCS - Calculations, FIX, and Restricted Dimensions
As FCCS now has configurable calculations, many people with HFM backgrounds, like myself, are learning Essbase calc script; the language used for these calculations. I haven't written an Essbase calc script before this month since 2002, so it's been a while. I'm not going to go through all of the details in one blog post (veteran Essbase consultants describe writing calc script as an art not a science) but I do want to point out one parallel for those with HFM backgrounds.
In HFM there are five dimensions that cannot be on the left side of a HS.Exp function, which is used to calculate almost everything. These dimensions are scenario, year, period, entity, and value. So we use If/Then statements to control when rules run for these dimensions.
In FCCS, one of the main functions in Essbase calc script is FIX/ENDFIX. FIX basically limits the members of dimensions to those members on which a calculation should run. The online help (link provided below) uses an example of fixing on a product and then doing a units sold calculation for that product.
There are five dimensions that cannot be used in FIX statements, however. These are scenario, year, period, view, and entity. Note that four of these are exactly the same as HFM. When a user starts a FCCS consolidation, they are using these dimensions as parameters for the consolidation and so the software is automatically fixing on these dimensions. And when you get past the FIX statement and into the actual calculation, these same five dimensions cannot be on the left hand side of the calculation, just like HS.Exp. So, just like you would do in HFM, us a IF/ENDIF to control when calculations run for these dimensions.
Here is the link to the FCCS help to learn more.
Have fun!