Provide Feedback Not Working with 22.04
When there is an issue with Oracle EPM Cloud, one of the steps to work with Oracle support is to use the the provide feedback process to generate a UDR for the environment (which basically lets Oracle support look at the snapshot). But what if that doesn't work? What do you do?
With the 22.04 release, we found out. Users go through the steps, get to the window below, type in whatever or highlight parts of the screen, and then click Submit. What should happen is a confirmation window pops up with the option to allow the snapshot access and the final submit button. But for some users, the process would stop and go no further - no error, no message, no anything.
It turns out that 22.04 has an issue with provide feedback if the environment uses an external URL for the background image. Go to the Appearance screen and check the background image. If the background image is a URL, then remove it. Changing to an uploaded file also solves the problem. Click Save and now provide feedback will work.
Obviously this is being worked on and should be addressed soon.
UPDATE: I heard via Oracle support that this will be addressed in the May 2022 release.